Even More Modifiers
A mod for rolling various bonus stats on items
Loot.Rarities.TranscendentRarity Class Reference

The Transcendent rarity, the most powerful rarity More...

+ Inheritance diagram for Loot.Rarities.TranscendentRarity:
+ Collaboration diagram for Loot.Rarities.TranscendentRarity:

Public Attributes

override Color Color => Color.Purple
override Type Downgrade => null
override float DowngradeChance => null
override float ExtraLuck => 4
override float ExtraMagnitudePower => 0.6f
override string RarityName => "Transcendent"
override Type Upgrade => null
override float UpgradeChance => null
- Public Attributes inherited from Loot.Api.Core.ModifierRarity
virtual Type Downgrade => null
virtual float DowngradeChance => null
 Describes the chance of this rarity downgrading to the previous tier If null, is the same as 0f (no chance) More...
virtual float ExtraLuck => 0f
virtual float ExtraMagnitudePower => 0f
virtual string ItemPrefix => null
virtual string ItemSuffix => null
string Name => GetType().Name
virtual Color OverrideNameColor => null
virtual string RarityName => Name
virtual Type Upgrade => null
virtual float UpgradeChance => null
 Describes the chance of this rarity upgrading to the next tier If null, is the same as 0f (no chance) More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Loot.Api.Core.ModifierRarity
virtual void Clone (ref ModifierRarity clone)
object Clone ()
virtual void Load (Item item, TagCompound tag)
 Allows modder to do custom loading here Use the given TagCompound to pull data you saved using Save(Item,TagCompound) More...
virtual void NetReceive (Item item, BinaryReader reader)
 Allows the modder to do custom NetReceive More...
virtual void NetSend (Item item, BinaryWriter writer)
 Allows modder to do custom NetSend here More...
virtual void Save (Item item, TagCompound tag)
 Allows modder to do custom saving here Use the given TC to put data you want to save, which can be loaded using Load(Item,TagCompound) More...
- Properties inherited from Loot.Api.Core.ModifierRarity
abstract Color Color [get]
Mod Mod [get, set]
Mod ILoadableContentSetter. Mod [set]
uint Type [get, set]
uint ILoadableContentSetter. Type [set]
- Properties inherited from Loot.Api.Content.ILoadableContent
Mod Mod [get]
string Name [get]
uint Type [get]

Detailed Description

The Transcendent rarity, the most powerful rarity

Definition at line 10 of file TranscendentRarity.cs.

Member Data Documentation

override Color Loot.Rarities.TranscendentRarity.Color => Color.Purple

Definition at line 13 of file TranscendentRarity.cs.

override Type Loot.Rarities.TranscendentRarity.Downgrade => null

Definition at line 17 of file TranscendentRarity.cs.

override float Loot.Rarities.TranscendentRarity.DowngradeChance => null

Definition at line 15 of file TranscendentRarity.cs.

override float Loot.Rarities.TranscendentRarity.ExtraLuck => 4

Definition at line 19 of file TranscendentRarity.cs.

override float Loot.Rarities.TranscendentRarity.ExtraMagnitudePower => 0.6f

Definition at line 18 of file TranscendentRarity.cs.

override string Loot.Rarities.TranscendentRarity.RarityName => "Transcendent"

Definition at line 12 of file TranscendentRarity.cs.

override Type Loot.Rarities.TranscendentRarity.Upgrade => null

Definition at line 16 of file TranscendentRarity.cs.

override float Loot.Rarities.TranscendentRarity.UpgradeChance => null

Definition at line 14 of file TranscendentRarity.cs.