Even More Modifiers
A mod for rolling various bonus stats on items
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345678]
 CModifierCachePlayerCaches the item held and items equipped by players. When equips and held items change, their respective modifiers' effects are automatically called to detach and attach their delegations.
 CModifierContentThis class holds all loaded Modifier content
 CModifierEffectContentThis class holds all loaded ModifierEffect content
 CModifierPoolContentThis class holds all loaded ModifierPool content
 CModifierRarityContentThis class holds all loaded ModifierRarity content
 CCubeOfSealingA cube of sealing is used to lock modifiers in place on an item
 CCheatedItemHackGlobalItemCan detect if an item was activated via cheats
 CAllModifiersPoolA modifier pool that always consists of all modifiers Cannot be rolled normally
 CCommonRarityDescribes the common rarity, which every item starts with
 CEpicRarityThe epic rarity, before legendary but after rare
 CLegendaryRarityThe legendary rarity, before transcendent but after epic
 CRareRarityThe rare rarity, before epic but after common
 CTranscendentRarityThe Transcendent rarity, the most powerful rarity
 CDefaultRollingStrategyA normal rolling strategy, follows normal behavior
 CLootModItemDefines an item that may be modified by modifiers from mods
 CLootModWorldThis class is responsible for generating modifiers when a world is being created.