4 using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
9 namespace Loot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.Ice
16 GameShaders.Armor.GetShaderIdFromItemId(ItemID.StardustDye),
static new ShaderGraphicsPropertiesBuilder Builder
Defines the GraphicsProperties for ShaderEntitys which derives from GlowmaskGraphicsProperties ...
Defines a normal shader draw style
Defines a Shader entity, part of GraphicsEntity<T> The entity defines a particular 'shader' "of" the ...
override ShaderEntity GetShaderEntity(Item item)
ShaderGraphicsPropertiesBuilder SkipDrawingSubject(bool value)
ShaderGraphicsPropertiesBuilder WithDrawLayer(ShaderDrawLayer drawLayer)
Defines a modifier that can roll on a weapon item You can use this class and add to CanRoll by callin...
ShaderGraphicsPropertiesBuilder WithShaderDrawStyle(ShaderDrawStyle shaderDrawStyle)