CLoot.Api.Loaders.AssetLoader | This Loader is responsible for loading graphics assets for a mod These include shader and glowmask textures |
►CAttribute | |
CLoot.Api.Attributes.AutoDelegation | This attribute may be used to skip usage of AttachDelegations and DetachDelegations Which is a cumbersome side effect of using events The attribute will automate the process of attaching the method to and detaching the method from the specified event(s) |
CLoot.Api.Attributes.DelegationPrioritizationAttribute | This attribute is used to set a custom prioritization for a delegation It allows you to customize at which point your delegation is called in the chain The end result is a prioritization list as follows: First part: all delegations prioritized as F:DelegationPrioritization.Early, order by their level Second part: all delegations with no custom prioritization (default) Third part: all delegations prioritized as F:DelegationPrioritization.Late.Late, order by their level To increase the force put into your prioritization, increase the delegation level |
CLoot.Api.Attributes.PopulatePoolFromAttribute | Will populate a ModifierPool based on a namespace All Modifiers in that namespace will become part of the pool You can specify multiple namespaces Note: modifiers you return in GetModifiers() are also still added! |
CLoot.Api.Attributes.UsesEffectAttribute | This attribute is used to attach a certain Modifier to given ModifierEffects (can be attached to more than 1) This is used for detecting when effects need to become active (e.g. Light modifier is attached to the LightEffect, which makes LightEffect become active when an item with a +light modifier is active) |
CLoot.Api.Loaders.ContentLoader | This class holds all Content holders of this mod You can use this to access content loaded into the mod Example use: ContentLoader.Modifier.GetContent("mod", "modifier") |
CLoot.UI.Tabs.CraftingTab.CraftingComponentLink | |
CLoot.UI.Tabs.Soulforging.CubeCraftButton | |
CLoot.UI.Tabs.Soulforging.CubeCraftRow | |
CLoot.UI.Tabs.Soulforging.GuiSoulgauge.GaugeDrawing | |
►CGlobalItem | |
►CLoot.Api.Core.Modifier | Defines a modifier, which is an unloaded GlobalItem Making it a GlobalItem gives easy access to all hooks The various hooks are called by our own GlobalItem In your Modifier, it is safe to assume when one of the hooks is called, that item currently is modified by this modifier |
CLoot.Api.Core.NullModifier | Defines a "Null" modifier which represents no modifier safely Cannot be rolled normally |
CLoot.Modifiers.Base.AccessoryModifier | Defines a modifier that can roll on an accessory item You can use this class and add to CanRoll by calling base.CanRoll(ctx) and then your own conditionals |
CLoot.Modifiers.Base.ArmorModifier | Defines a modifier that can roll on an armor item (head/body/legs) You can use this class and add to CanRoll by calling base.CanRoll(ctx) and then your own conditionals |
►CLoot.Modifiers.Base.EquipModifier | Defines a modifier that can roll on an equip item (armor or accessory) These modifiers will have 60% maximum Power on accessories You can use this class and add to CanRoll by calling base.CanRoll(ctx) and then your own conditionals |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Defensive.DodgeChance | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Defensive.HealthPlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Defensive.ImmunityTimePlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Defensive.KnockbackImmunity | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Defensive.LifeRegen | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Defensive.ManaPlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Defensive.ManaShield | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Defensive.PercentDefenseBonus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Defensive.SurvivalChance | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Defensive.Thorns | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Offensive.CritDamagePlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Offensive.HealthyFoesBonus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Offensive.MagicCritPlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Offensive.MagicDamagePlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Offensive.MeleeCritPlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Offensive.MeleeDamagePlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Offensive.MinionDamagePlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Offensive.RangedCritPlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Offensive.RangedDamagePlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Offensive.ThrownCritPlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Offensive.ThrownDamagePlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Utility.FishingPlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Utility.LightPlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Utility.LuckPlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Utility.MiningSpeedPlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Utility.MoveSpeedPlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Utility.WingTimePlus | |
►CLoot.Modifiers.Base.WeaponModifier | Defines a modifier that can roll on a weapon item You can use this class and add to CanRoll by calling base.CanRoll(ctx) and then your own conditionals |
►CLoot.Modifiers.Base.WeaponDebuffModifier | Defines a modifier that can inflict a debuff, applicable for weapons |
CLoot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.RandomDebuff | Rolls a random debuff |
CLoot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.AmmoReduce | |
CLoot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.CritPlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.CursedDamage | |
CLoot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.DamagePlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.DamagePlusDaytime | |
CLoot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.DamageWithManaCost | |
►CLoot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.Ice.IceModifier | |
CLoot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.Ice.IcyModifier | |
CLoot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.KnockbackPlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.ManaReduce | |
CLoot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.MissingHealthDamage | |
CLoot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.SpeedPlus | |
CLoot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.VelocityDamage | |
CLoot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.VelocityPlus | |
CLoot.Api.Graphics.GraphicsGlobalItem | This class is responsible for handling ShaderEntity and GlowmaskEntity that come from the Modifiers on a given item |
CLoot.Hacks.CheatedItemHackGlobalItem | Can detect if an item was activated via cheats |
CLoot.LootModItem | Defines an item that may be modified by modifiers from mods |
CLoot.ModSupport.WingSlotSupport.WingSlotSupportGlobalItem | |
CGlobalNPC | |
►CGlobalProjectile | |
CLoot.Api.Delegators.ModifierDelegatorProjectile | Provides delegation for projectiles |
CLoot.Api.Graphics.GraphicsEntity< T > | Defines the base abstract of a GraphicsEntity |
►CLoot.Api.Graphics.GraphicsEntity< GlowmaskGraphicsProperties > | |
CLoot.Api.Graphics.Glowmask.GlowmaskEntity | Defines a Glowmask entity, part of GraphicsEntity The entity defines a particular 'glowmask' "of" the entity and can be drawn appropriately The entity makes use of GraphicsModContent to get art assets |
►CLoot.Api.Graphics.GraphicsEntity< ShaderGraphicsProperties > | |
CLoot.Api.Graphics.Shader.ShaderEntity | Defines a Shader entity, part of GraphicsEntity<T> The entity defines a particular 'shader' "of" the entity and can be drawn appropriately The entity makes use of GraphicsModContent to get art assets |
►CLoot.Api.Graphics.GraphicsProperties | Defines a set of properties for a GraphicsEntity<T> |
►CLoot.Api.Graphics.Glowmask.GlowmaskGraphicsProperties | Defines the GraphicsProperties for GlowmaskEntitys which derives from GraphicsProperties |
CLoot.Api.Graphics.Shader.ShaderGraphicsProperties | Defines the GraphicsProperties for ShaderEntitys which derives from GlowmaskGraphicsProperties |
CLoot.UI.Tabs.EssenceCrafting.GuiEssenceItemButton | |
►CICloneable | |
CLoot.Api.Core.Modifier | Defines a modifier, which is an unloaded GlobalItem Making it a GlobalItem gives easy access to all hooks The various hooks are called by our own GlobalItem In your Modifier, it is safe to assume when one of the hooks is called, that item currently is modified by this modifier |
►CLoot.Api.Core.ModifierEffect | A ModifierEffect signifies the effect of a modifier on a player It should house the implementation, and delegation of such an effect Methods on effects can be delegated from ModPlayer |
CLoot.Api.Core.NullModifierEffect | Defines a "Null" effect which represents no effect safely Cannot be rolled normally |
CLoot.Modifiers.Base.WeaponDebuffEffect | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Defensive.DodgeEffect | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Defensive.ImmunityEffect | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Defensive.LifeRegenEffect | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Defensive.ManaShieldEffect | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Defensive.PercentDefBoostEffect | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Defensive.SurvivalEffect | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Offensive.CritDamagePlusEffect | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Offensive.HealthyFoesEffect | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Utility.LightEffect | |
CLoot.Modifiers.EquipModifiers.Utility.LuckEffect | |
CLoot.Modifiers.WeaponModifiers.CursedEffect | |
►CLoot.Api.Core.ModifierPool | Defines a modifier pool. A modifier pool holds a certain amount of effects in an array It allows to roll a 'themed' item if it hits an already defined pool Up to 4 effects are drawn from the pool, and activated |
►CLoot.Api.Core.FiniteModifierPool | |
CLoot.Api.Core.NullModifierPool | Defines a "Null" modifier which represents a pool with no modifiers Cannot be rolled normally |
CLoot.Pools.AllModifiersPool | A modifier pool that always consists of all modifiers Cannot be rolled normally |
►CLoot.Api.Core.ModifierRarity | Defines the rarity of a modifier |
CLoot.Api.Core.NullModifierRarity | Defines a "Null" rarity which represents no rarity safely Cannot be rolled normally |
CLoot.Rarities.CommonRarity | Describes the common rarity, which every item starts with |
CLoot.Rarities.EpicRarity | The epic rarity, before legendary but after rare |
CLoot.Rarities.LegendaryRarity | The legendary rarity, before transcendent but after epic |
CLoot.Rarities.RareRarity | The rare rarity, before epic but after common |
CLoot.Rarities.TranscendentRarity | The Transcendent rarity, the most powerful rarity |
CLoot.UI.Tabs.CraftingTab.ICraftingTab | |
►CLootTests.IFakeMod | |
CLootTests.FakeMod | |
►CLootTests.ModifierPropertiesTests.IFakeProperties | |
CLootTests.ModifierPropertiesTests.FakeProperties | |
►CLoot.Api.Content.ILoadableContent | Defines a piece of loadable content The interface is used in classes where the deriving class already derives an existing class Because classes can only derive from one class, we use interfaces The interface is used it conjunction with ILoadableContentSetter |
CLoot.Api.Core.Modifier | Defines a modifier, which is an unloaded GlobalItem Making it a GlobalItem gives easy access to all hooks The various hooks are called by our own GlobalItem In your Modifier, it is safe to assume when one of the hooks is called, that item currently is modified by this modifier |
CLoot.Api.Core.ModifierEffect | A ModifierEffect signifies the effect of a modifier on a player It should house the implementation, and delegation of such an effect Methods on effects can be delegated from ModPlayer |
CLoot.Api.Core.ModifierPool | Defines a modifier pool. A modifier pool holds a certain amount of effects in an array It allows to roll a 'themed' item if it hits an already defined pool Up to 4 effects are drawn from the pool, and activated |
CLoot.Api.Core.ModifierRarity | Defines the rarity of a modifier |
►CLoot.Api.Builder.IPropertyBuilder< T > | Defines the interface for a PropertyBuilder of generic T |
CLoot.Api.Builder.PropertyBuilder< T > | Defines an abstract implementation of IPropertyBuilder<T> |
CLoot.Api.Ext.ItemUtils | Defines a set of utility methods for Item class |
CLoot.Api.Content.LoadableContentBase< T > | This class is used for Content holders in the Content namespace As a modder you should not use this class Even though it is public, this is only because the fields on ContentLoader must be accessible to modders |
►CLoot.Api.Content.LoadableContentBase< Modifier > | |
CLoot.Content.ModifierContent | This class holds all loaded Modifier content |
►CLoot.Api.Content.LoadableContentBase< ModifierEffect > | |
CLoot.Content.ModifierEffectContent | This class holds all loaded ModifierEffect content |
►CLoot.Api.Content.LoadableContentBase< ModifierPool > | |
CLoot.Content.ModifierPoolContent | This class holds all loaded ModifierPool content |
►CLoot.Api.Content.LoadableContentBase< ModifierRarity > | |
CLoot.Content.ModifierRarityContent | This class holds all loaded ModifierRarity content |
CLoot.LootItemModifier | |
►CMod | |
CLoot.Loot | |
CLootTests.EmptyModLoadShell | |
CLootTests.FakeMod | |
►CModCommand | |
CLoot.Soulforging.EssenceCommand | |
CLoot.Api.ModContent.ModContentManager | This class is responsible for managing instances of TextureModContent for registered mods. |
►CModifier | |
CLootTests.TestModifiers.TestApplyMod | |
CLoot.Api.Core.ModifierContext | Defines a context in which a Modifier might be rolled Which fields are available (not null) depends on the method
CLoot.Api.Mechanism.ModifierMechanism | |
►CModifierPool | |
CLootTests.TestPools.TestPool | |
CLoot.Api.Mechanism.ModifierPoolMechanism | |
CLoot.Api.Core.ModifierProperties | Defines the properties of a modifier |
CLootTests.ModifierPropertiesTests | |
►CModifierRarity | |
CLootTests.TestRarities.TestRarity | |
►CLoot.Api.Core.ModifierTooltipLine | Defines a tooltip line of a modifier A modifier can have multiple lines |
CLoot.Api.Core.NegativeTooltipLine | A ModifierTooltipLine with a Red text color. |
CLoot.Api.Core.PositiveTooltipLine | A ModifierTooltipLine with a Lime text color. |
►CModItem | |
►CLoot.Api.Cubes.MagicalCube | Defines a magical cube A magical cube is used to change modifiers on an item |
►CLoot.Api.Cubes.RerollingCube | Defines a rerolling cube that opens the rerolling UI on right click The method M:GetRollingStrategy can be overridden to provide custom roll properties |
CLoot.Cubes.BlackCube | |
CLoot.Cubes.CopperCube | |
CLoot.Cubes.CubeOfSealing | A cube of sealing is used to lock modifiers in place on an item |
CLoot.Cubes.HellCube | |
CLoot.Cubes.IceCube | |
CLoot.Cubes.PoorCube | |
CLoot.Cubes.ResonatingTempleCube | |
CLoot.Cubes.SlateCube | |
CLoot.Cubes.TempleCube | |
CLoot.Cubes.VioletCube | |
CLoot.Cubes.VoidCube | |
►CLoot.Essences.TempItem | |
►CLoot.Essences.EssenceItem | |
CLoot.Essences.IcyEssence | |
►CModPlayer | |
CLoot.Api.Core.ModifierEffect | A ModifierEffect signifies the effect of a modifier on a player It should house the implementation, and delegation of such an effect Methods on effects can be delegated from ModPlayer |
CLoot.Api.Delegators.ModifierDelegatorPlayer | Holds player-entity data and handles it |
CLoot.Caching.ModifierCachePlayer | Caches the item held and items equipped by players. When equips and held items change, their respective modifiers' effects are automatically called to detach and attach their delegations. |
CModSound | |
CModTile | |
CLoot.Api.Ext.ModUtils | Defines a set of utility methods for Mod class |
►CModWorld | |
CLoot.LootModWorld | This class is responsible for generating modifiers when a world is being created. |
CLoot.Api.Ext.RollingUtils.Properties | |
►CLoot.Api.Builder.PropertyBuilder< GlowmaskGraphicsProperties > | |
CLoot.Api.Graphics.Glowmask.GlowmaskGraphicsProperties.GlowmaskGraphicsPropertiesBuilder | |
►CLoot.Api.Builder.PropertyBuilder< GraphicsProperties > | |
CLoot.Api.Graphics.GraphicsProperties.GraphicsPropertiesBuilder | |
►CPropertyBuilder< List< ModifierTooltipLine >> | |
CLoot.Api.Core.ModifierTooltipLine.ModifierTooltipBuilder | |
►CLoot.Api.Builder.PropertyBuilder< ModifierProperties > | |
CLoot.Api.Core.ModifierProperties.ModifierPropertiesBuilder | The ModifierPropertiesBuilder implements the builder pattern for ModifierProperties It provides a structured way to create ("build") an instance of ModifierProperties It is used in Modifier.GetModifierProperties to dynamically build the ModifierProperties for that Modifier. |
►CLoot.Api.Builder.PropertyBuilder< ShaderDrawStyleProperties > | |
CLoot.Api.Graphics.Shader.Style.ShaderDrawStyle.ShaderDrawStyleProperties.ShaderDrawStylePropertiesBuilder | |
►CLoot.Api.Builder.PropertyBuilder< ShaderGraphicsProperties > | |
CLoot.Api.Graphics.Shader.ShaderGraphicsProperties.ShaderGraphicsPropertiesBuilder | A builder for ShaderGraphicsProperties |
CLoot.Api.Loaders.RegistryLoader | This class is responsible for loading mods into Even More Modifiers Mods can be registered and triggered to have their content added via this class |
►CLoot.Api.Strategy.RollingStrategy | |
CLoot.RollingStrategies.DefaultRollingStrategy | A normal rolling strategy, follows normal behavior |
CLoot.RollingStrategies.SealingRollingStrategy | |
CLoot.Api.Strategy.RollingStrategyProperties | Defines properties that will be used when an item is being rolled in a IRollingStrategy<T> These can interact with the rolling behavior, and even override certain things |
CLoot.Api.Ext.RollingUtils | Defines a set of rolling utilities |
►CLoot.Api.Graphics.Shader.Style.ShaderDrawStyle | Defines a shader drawstyle used by ShaderEntity |
►CLoot.Api.Graphics.Shader.Style.NormalShaderDrawStyle | Defines a normal shader draw style |
CLoot.Api.Graphics.Shader.Style.AroundShaderDrawStyle | Defines a drawing style that will draw a shader around the subject |
CLoot.Api.Graphics.Shader.Style.ShaderDrawStyle.ShaderDrawStyleProperties | |
CLoot.Sounds.Custom.SoundMaker | |
CLoot.Api.Ext.RollingUtils.Strategies | |
►CLoot.Api.ModContent.TextureModContent | An abstract class that contains a mapping of strings to texture instances |
CLoot.Api.ModContent.GraphicsModContent | This class stores glowmask and shader textures that can be looked up during drawing |
CUIState | |
CLootTests.UnitTests | |
CUIElement | |