Even More Modifiers
A mod for rolling various bonus stats on items
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CLoot.Api.Loaders.AssetLoaderThis Loader is responsible for loading graphics assets for a mod These include shader and glowmask textures
 CLoot.Api.Loaders.ContentLoaderThis class holds all Content holders of this mod You can use this to access content loaded into the mod Example use: ContentLoader.Modifier.GetContent("mod", "modifier")
 CLoot.Api.Graphics.GraphicsEntity< T >Defines the base abstract of a GraphicsEntity
 CLoot.Api.Graphics.GraphicsEntity< GlowmaskGraphicsProperties >
 CLoot.Api.Graphics.GraphicsEntity< ShaderGraphicsProperties >
 CLoot.Api.Graphics.GraphicsPropertiesDefines a set of properties for a GraphicsEntity<T>
 CLoot.Api.Content.ILoadableContentDefines a piece of loadable content The interface is used in classes where the deriving class already derives an existing class Because classes can only derive from one class, we use interfaces The interface is used it conjunction with ILoadableContentSetter
 CLoot.Api.Builder.IPropertyBuilder< T >Defines the interface for a PropertyBuilder of generic T
 CLoot.Api.Ext.ItemUtilsDefines a set of utility methods for Item class
 CLoot.Api.Content.LoadableContentBase< T >This class is used for Content holders in the Content namespace As a modder you should not use this class Even though it is public, this is only because the fields on ContentLoader must be accessible to modders
 CLoot.Api.Content.LoadableContentBase< Modifier >
 CLoot.Api.Content.LoadableContentBase< ModifierEffect >
 CLoot.Api.Content.LoadableContentBase< ModifierPool >
 CLoot.Api.Content.LoadableContentBase< ModifierRarity >
 CLoot.Api.ModContent.ModContentManagerThis class is responsible for managing instances of TextureModContent for registered mods.
 CLoot.Api.Core.ModifierContextDefines a context in which a Modifier might be rolled Which fields are available (not null) depends on the method

 CLoot.Api.Core.ModifierPropertiesDefines the properties of a modifier
 CLoot.Api.Core.ModifierTooltipLineDefines a tooltip line of a modifier A modifier can have multiple lines
 CLoot.Api.Ext.ModUtilsDefines a set of utility methods for Mod class
 CLoot.Api.Builder.PropertyBuilder< GlowmaskGraphicsProperties >
 CLoot.Api.Builder.PropertyBuilder< GraphicsProperties >
 CPropertyBuilder< List< ModifierTooltipLine >>
 CLoot.Api.Builder.PropertyBuilder< ModifierProperties >
 CLoot.Api.Builder.PropertyBuilder< ShaderDrawStyleProperties >
 CLoot.Api.Builder.PropertyBuilder< ShaderGraphicsProperties >
 CLoot.Api.Loaders.RegistryLoaderThis class is responsible for loading mods into Even More Modifiers Mods can be registered and triggered to have their content added via this class
 CLoot.Api.Strategy.RollingStrategyPropertiesDefines properties that will be used when an item is being rolled in a IRollingStrategy<T> These can interact with the rolling behavior, and even override certain things
 CLoot.Api.Ext.RollingUtilsDefines a set of rolling utilities
 CLoot.Api.Graphics.Shader.Style.ShaderDrawStyleDefines a shader drawstyle used by ShaderEntity
 CLoot.Api.ModContent.TextureModContentAn abstract class that contains a mapping of strings to texture instances